The areas that we normally cover are Hackney and Harringay and more recently other parts of Haringey and Islington. However, we would be happy to hear from you if you are within a reasonable distance of these areas.
Appointments for estimates and quotations can be scheduled between Mon – Thurs up until 8pm. Appointments can last up to 90 minutes for larger services such as heating installations. You will be called to confirm the appointment and also in case of any delay over 30 minutes.
Many modern plumbing fittings are becoming specialised for specific circumstances and may not suit all situations, therefore it is advisable to check for compatibility.
Free estimates and quotations are given where possible in writing
Our Call-out/diagnosis fee is £80.00 (Central Heating and Boilers only) and £120.00 (Underfloor Heating (UFH)).
Hourly rates are used when estimates and quotations are not possible. These are usually based on the time of day, evenings and weekends
Our Public and Products Liability Insurance is £2,000,000
When arranging a service or repair, it is important that you provide the user manual and servicing manual to ensure service and repair is carried out to manufacturer’s instructions. In addition to this please have access to appliances where possible, as sometimes it is not possible to access components due to furniture.